What A Waste
The project was to produce editorial illustrations for a new feature article in the Monocle magazine. A large illustration for the opening of the article and smaller, secondary illustrations for inclusion in the body copy of the article. We were required to research on the chosen magazine's illustrations and layout and produce a two double page spreads in the style of the magazine. The feature article chosen concerns over the packaging waste from online shopping, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It discusses the excessive amount of packaging used as items are generally wrapped in layers of plastic and most of the packaging are not recycled after. The article also encourages the change in consumer habits. The final illustrations are comical, engaging while reflecting the essence of the article, conveying the main message of over consumption, and packaging wastes. The illustration style uses black outlines and bold colours, which are in line with the magazine's style. The editorial spread layout and type setting is inspired by existing Monocle magazines. All illustrations produced digitally on Procreate on iPad. Editorial Layouts are created on Adobe InDesign.